>>>Sig 1911 GSR Railed Stainless .45<<<< in Tucson, Arizona For Sale
Price: $825
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
I have for sale a lightly used Stainless Sig GSR with a Rail in .45 ACP.
I dont shoot it often, so I figured I'd move on to something else. It is extremely accurate.
One mag included.
$825 takes it.
You MUST have an AZ DL and be legally able to own a firearm. CCW/MIL ID/LE Cred highly preferred. I am often in Oro Valley or on the East Side of Tucson.
I am open to firearm trades with cash either way; the top of my list includes:
xxxx in 10mm
xxxx in .45 (Sig Scorpion, Prefer Non-Stainless)
Sig 220/226/229 in SAO (9mm, 40, or .45)
Underfolder AK (Only interested in underfolder at this time)
Sig 238
Sig 938